Depressed?- The Pure Cure - Elevation of the Human Spirit

The Pure Cure for Depression is
the elevation of the Human Spirit, 
Positive Human Energy, our 

And as our Humanity makes us 

natural creators and natural sharers
producing something original
then giving it away ought to begin
restoration of our natural essence;

Our Human Spirit must be broken
to make us submit to hierarchy;

Our Human Nature makes us
natural sharers, as well as
being natural creators, these
essences were apparent in
the Human Race long before
we stood up on our back legs;
Depression is a sign of a
lack of Positive Human Energy;

The disappointment gene
is strong in Humans;
Disappointment and depression
are intricately linked;

Disappointment could be from
a denial of Hope;

It is a Human Right to make
one’s dreams come true;

Nobody likes to discover
they’ve been betrayed,

Kids are committing suicide
to escape their environment,

Kids are joining outfits
that seek to destroy the
culture that targeted 
their spirit early in life, 

Humans of all ages are 

altering their reality 
frequently, because
our reality sucks…

Nobody likes to find out
they’ve betrayed;
even the descendants
of today’s most devout
asexual enclavists
have the right to move
forward with the species;

The human spirit must be
broken to make humans
opt into hierarchy, for
centuries, all over earth,
the human need for food
and company has been used
to break kids to affirm for

Orphans are the essence
of our species;

Nobody likes to discover 
they’ve been betrayed…

The Human Race is realizing 

that the motivation of our 
cultures has been to betray 
Humanity by forcing each 
generation of parents to 
attack the Human Spirit 
in each child, then doctor 
them into supremacy-seeking
attitudes that cause hierarchy 
in the home and communities, 
and separation of our species 
into sects of superiority seekers 
attempting to stymie our purpose,
deny our substance and fortitude, 
flog its need for status quo , 
lacking the Humanity that 
makes us forward-moving,
transitional traditionalists;


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